Sint Bernardushof, Aduard

Fotografie Anton Tiktak, Arte del Norte


CG Klooster Aduard Symboliek ADN7283@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4.5
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Klooster Aduard Symboliek ADN7289@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4.5
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Ziekenzaal Portaal ADN7323@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 400
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Ziekenzaal Ext L1020772@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 8
Camera: Leica D-LUX 3
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Buitenraam ADN6724@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 14
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Kopje ADN0270@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 3.5
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Afdruk Reeënpoot ADN7048@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4.5
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Mannetje Vouwtje ADN7054@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4.2
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Kinderschoentje ADN7176@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 22
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Jacobsteen ADN7036@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4.8
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Marterpoot ADN7051@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4.8
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Wessel Gansfort ADN0302@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 3.5
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Muurschrift ADN6709@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Misbaksel ADN7045@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4.5
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Bernardus ADN7813@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 2.8
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Misvormde steen ADN7027@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4.2
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Aduard Dakpannen ADN6735@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 8.5
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
CG Kloostermuseum Afdruk Wolvenpoot Aduard  ADN7021@7360 8bit 300dpi web
Aperture: 4.5
Camera: NIKON D2X
Iso: 100
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Sint Bernardushof winter 2002

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19 november 2017